Montreal, January 26, 2021
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Mr. Alfonso Minicozzi, founding member of the Thoracic Surgery Research Foundation of Montreal.
A pillar of our community, successful businessman, and pioneer in the aeronautics industry in North America, Alfonso was above all a dedicated family man passionate about life. His remarkable vision, unparalleled leadership and great strength of character have allowed the completion of numerous large-scale projects.
In 2004, Alfonso provided the spark that gave birth to our Foundation and we will be forever grateful. His wide network in the corporate world and in Montreal’s Italian community helped the Foundation establish itself in the realm of philanthropy. His generosity and involvement led to the creation of the Alfonso Minicozzi and Family Chair in Thoracic Surgery and Lung Transplantation at the University of Montreal in 2008. This prestigious endowed chair provides essential resources for researchers in Thoracic Surgery and ensures the sustainability of the lung transplant program at the CHUM.
We sometimes cross paths with men like Alfonso who have a profound impact on our journey through life. Alfonso was not only a constant source of inspiration, but also a great friend and mentor. His kindness, his words of encouragement and his sound advice were always appreciated and guided us through many challenges. Through his good-heartedness and compassion, Alfonso changed the lives of many.
Alfonso was a proud ambassador for our Foundation. His unwavering support, his great generosity, and his commitment will be forever etched in our minds. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
At the request of the family, your expressions of sympathy can be translated into donations for the Minicozzi Chair: https://www.montrealthoracique.ca/en/donations-options/alfonso-minicozzi-family-chair-thoracic-surgery-lung-transplantation/